1. Setting up your United Baristas Jobs account

Start by logging in to your United Baristas Jobs account.

Don't yet have a UB-iD?

To create a United Baristas Jobs account, sign up using UB-iD – see info below 

If necessary, you can create multiple UB-iDs for your business.

Your United Baristas Jobs account controls:

  • Listing new jobs
  • Billing and invoicing information
  • Applicant management on the Employer Dashboard 

It does not determine:

  •  The email address where applications are sent

In general, this account should be set up and maintained by someone in the business with HR competencies and purchasing authority.

Signing Up to United Baristas

It's free to join United Baristas. When you first sign up, you'll create a UB-iD, which allows you to sign in to all United Baristas services. 
If you don't yet have a UB-iD, just start by adding a job
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