My item hasn't sold on Marketplace, now what?

How to sell your item on United Baristas

Use this information to understand what you can do next to sell your item on Marketplace.

Check your listing's stats

If your listing has had lots of visitors and is yet to sell it’s a signal that your listing lacks key information or the price is too high.

Check your listing's stats ➜

πŸ’‘ Useful Info

Items typically sell between 50 and 200 visitors

Positive indicators

Repeat viewing is good. If the number of views is not much greater than your number of visitors, it shows that people are looking – and then not coming back.

View the listing from a potential buyer's perspective: what information is the listing lacking and are the photos and videos sufficiently good?

Negative indicators

If you listing has low visitor numbers, you should update the feature image, title and feature text to make it more attractive, plus consider promoting the listing to boost exposure. 

πŸ’ͺ Selling on Marketplace

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